EB1 Green Card Criteria – Executives and Managers
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Specialists in EB1 Green Cards for Executives and Managers
EB1 Qualification Criteria
EB-1 Green Card for Executives and Managers: Many business executives and managers have no idea that they could be just a few months away from qualifying for a green card to live in the US without having to find even a US sponsor.
We specialize in EB-1 green cards for executives and managers who are operating at a very high level. Maybe you earn more than $120,000 USD, maybe you are sometimes quoted in the press, perhaps you’ve led a team to win industry awards.
We work with people from all over the world, many in IT and other fields where professionals are not often in the limelight. If you are a high flyer and would like to land in the US, give us a call today to see if we can make that happen for you. Check out our videos and testimonials from other professionals who may be just like you. We look forward to hearing from you who are now living the American Dream.
I actually love working on EB-1 green card visa cases, what I love about these applications is the fact that initially, the client does not even recognize themselves as being that extraordinary. I remember a case I worked on for a client called Samantha she was a designer at a good company and still in her 20s.
Samantha had a BA degree education and about 7 years of progressive experience in knitwear designs. In fact, she was currently in the US on an H-1B visa and had approached her company about a green card but was rejected. Samantha then came to me to see if there was anything I could do. We then discussed the possibility of the EB-1 and the rest, as they say, is history.
Green Card EB1 Visa Requirements – EB1 w/o PHD or Master’s Degree
The EB1 green card visa is about talent, not academic qualifications. In fact, you do not need to have a degree at all. If you have excelled in your career to be recognized as a leader in your area of expertise then you may well qualify for an EB 1c green card visa, or at the very least, it’s certainly worth getting in touch so that we can make a detailed assessment.
EB1 greencard visa aliens do not need proof of a sponsor, they can sponsor themselves. The EB-1 green card visa works on the principle of Extraordinary Ability but has it’s own slightly different checklist. For this checklist, you need to be able to satisfy unequivocally at least three from the list below.
Below is the official checklist we have to work towards. Your job is to study the list very carefully putting all modesty aside and then if you can find three or more areas on that list where you think with a bit of effort you could produce evidence that might satisfy the criteria then you may have a chance to qualify for the EB1 green card visa.
Qualifying for an EB-1 green card visa is an absolutely stunning immigration achievement. It means that from where you are today you could be approved for a green card permanent resident in the shortest possible time. If having studied this list you’re somewhat unsure, please get in touch detailing what categories you’re sure about and what categories you’re not sure on.
Please note that I’ve created “more info” sections after each category, these are in fact additional web pages devoted to further explaining that category in layman’s terms.
EB-1 Green card Visa Requirements Check List:
Evidence of Eligibility: 8 C.F.R. 204.5(h) (3)
Initial evidence: – A petition for an alien of extraordinary ability must be accompanied by evidence that the alien has sustained national or international acclaim and that his or her achievements have been recognized in the field of expertise.
Such evidence shall include evidence of a one-time achievement (that is, a major, internationally recognized award), or at least three of the following or the worker may submit “other comparable evidence” if the following criteria do not apply:
(i) National Award – Documentation of the alien’s receipt of lesser nationally or internationally recognized prizes or awards for excellence in the field of endeavor; [More Info]
(ii) Invited Membership – Documentation of the alien’s membership in associations in the field for which classification is sought, which require outstanding achievements of their members, as judged by recognized national or international experts in their disciplines or fields; [More Info]
(iii) Published Material About You – Published material about the alien in professional or major trade publications or other major media, relating the alien’s work in the field for which classification is sought. Such evidence shall include the title, date, and author of the material, and any necessary translation; [More Info]
(iv) Judging – Evidence of the alien’s participation, either individually or on a panel, as a judge of work of others in the same or an allied field of specialization for which classification is sought; [More Info]
(v) Innovation – Evidence of the alien’s original scientific, scholarly, artistic, athletic, or business-related contributions of major significance in the field; [More Info]
(vi) Scholarly Articles – Evidence of the alien’s authorship of scholarly articles in the field, in professional or major trade publications or other major media; [More Info]
(vii) Exhibitions or Showcases – Evidence of the display of the alien’s work in the field at artistic exhibitions or showcases; [More Info]
(viii) Leading /Critical Role – Evidence that the alien has performed in a leading or critical role for organizations or establishments that have a distinguished reputation; [More Info]
(ix) High Salary – Evidence that the alien has commanded a high salary or other significantly high remuneration for services, in relation to others in the field; or [More Info]
(x) Commercial Success – Evidence of commercial successes in the performing arts, as shown by box office receipts or record, cassette, compact disk, or video sales. [More Info]
Now that you have had a chance to review this checklist, take your time to see how you measure up. If you do then when you complete and submit the consultation questionnaire, please include the three or more areas where you think you might be able to qualify.
The American Dream is Alive and Well
Check out these EB1 green card categories below. If you can satisfy three categories, then you may just qualify for your green card. Good luck.
Immigration Law Offices of Chris M. Ingram
US Immigration Law Offices of Chris M. Ingram
Chris M. Ingram LL.M., ESQ – Immigration Attorney
Admitted in New York.
Practice Specializing in US Immigration Law
401 Wilshire Boulevard, 12th Floor,
[Cross Streets 4th and Wilshire]
Santa Monica,
California 90401
Tel: 310 496 4292
Everyday the Law Offices of Chris M. Ingram provides a comprehensive range of US Immigration expertise. We also provide free consultation for our prospective clients.
Please note that nothing contained in this website or link therefrom shall be regarded as providing legal advice. Please contact us directly for legal advice specific to your situation. Thank you.
Specializing in the E2 Visa, EB1 Green Card, L-1A Visa, and O1 Visa and K1 Visa Marriage-Based Immigration. Attorney Chris M. Ingram is dedicated to providing the very best in US Immigration legal representation. Enjoy our website.
Important Notice: Please note that all videos created by the Law Offices of Chris M. Ingram are intended as general information only and not specific legal advice pertaining to your case. If you would like specific legal advice on any immigration matter please do not hesitate to contact this law office accordingly. All pictorial images used in these videos and the website, in general, are licensed stocked images and not portraits, or otherwise, of anyone from the Law Offices of Chris M. Ingram, nor of its clients unless otherwise indicated by name. All images are used solely for illustrative purposes only. Copyright 2010-2016 All Rights Reserved.
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