Discover Florida
Where do our clients move to?
Whilst living in the UK the only place in the US we would consistently hear about was Florida. This became a huge destination magnet for Brits. What attracted us was the promise of sun, sea and cheap vacations. Then we began buying holiday homes there, and why not? They were affordable and gave us a step up the ‘class’ ladder – “Yes, we have the home in the UK and one in the USA” (we can be such snobs!). We would stay in the apartment by the sea or in the beautiful house in towns such as Kissimmee, Tampa, Port St Lucia or Cape Coral. The homes would have crystal blue pools with tiled flooring throughout the living area and the kitchen would have huge refrigerators. Palm trees grew in the yard, along with orange, lemon and avocado trees. These homes then became a source of revenue as the homeowners would rent these places out at first to friends and family, then to other holiday makers who wanted to see what Florida had to offer. Soon Florida was a booming State for timeshare holiday homes. You couldn’t walk along the beautiful coastline without being bombarded by agents trying to get you to buy into a timeshare. But us Brits were not put off: it all seemed worth the hassle just to escape the freezing temperatures of the UK to visit Florida simply to bask in temperatures exceeding 90-100 degrees.
And what a destination for families – Disney World situated in Orlando
What child does not want to experience Disney? A place where “dreams really do come true”, where adults become “Peter Pan” and teens and youngsters enjoy some of the best rides in the world. If money is no option I would recommend staying at the Disney World Hotel. The rooms and service is amazing. Disney is known for their service just like Volvo is known for its safety. The park is so big, it will take you two days to see and appreciate its entirety.
in Orlando is another tourist destination for all those interested in space ships, power, rocket ships and things that go up with the hope that they don’t come down too soon! At the time that my family went, the weather was turning quite bad. Just as we arrived at the front of the queue, the center made an announcement that everyone was to take cover as a hurricane was making it’s way over. By the time the weather settled, the tour had closed – so check the forecast before heading out there.
Florida is beautiful but does this State experience all sorts of weather?! We went there in September/October time. When we woke we would immediately hit the shower, dress then walk outside and immediately need another due to the humidity. Whilst driving around in our convertible was great, one would have to know where the button was to put the sunroof back up at a second’s notice. It was almost guaranteed that the clouds would come over about 3pm in the afternoon, the skies would blacken and we would have an amazing lighting storm accompanied by little tornados and around twenty minutes later the clouds would disappear and be replaced once more with blue skies. I guess in that respect, it’s not a lot different to the UK – just warmer in Florida!
So why not consider Florida as your new home? You can find plenty more details about life in Florida by going to the website We will take care of your Immigration issues, whilst the Sunshine State will take care of you.
US Immigration Law Offices of Chris M. Ingram
Chris M. Ingram LL.M., ESQ – Immigration Attorney
Admitted in New York.
Practice Specializing in US Immigration Law
401 Wilshire, 12th Floor
Santa Monica,
California 90401
Tel: 310 496 4292
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