Law Offices of Chris M. Ingram

E2 Visa Post Consultation Discussion


E2 Visa Post Consultation Discussion

I thought I’d put this little outline together to give you further food thought on our discussion. I’m also hoping that this outline will help other clients also. So lets see how this works.

Buying a Business vs. Starting Your Own Business

My personal preference is for clients to buy a well established business that has been going for at least five years, has a good reputation, client base, is hiring Americans on payroll and of course profitable. In this instance my client will be buying a business that will generate for them an income from the moment the close the deal.  US Immgraiton (USCIS) and the Embassy love these types of cases since there is no guess work as to whether the business meets all of the right criteria for the E2.

For clients starting up their business, which is of course perfectly proper and legal, the client is required to make their investment by actually purchasing the business setting up equipment and obtaining receipts, entering into lease agreements and so forth, to the point where USCIS and the Embassy can see that the business is virtually ready to take off, almost to the extent of a going concern. This can require the client ot make extensive financial outlays with no guarantee of a visa.

In contrast, clients who are buying a visa can pay the full purchase price for the business and part with the money but have the money lodged into an escrow account with the contingency that only if the visa is approved will the purchase monies be handed over to the Seller.

As you can see buying an existing business is easier than starting your business, but clients have the right to do either.



Raising the Money

Most E2 investors will be either considering selling their home or going to their bank for a loan (re-mortgage) to make the US investment.

Again, speaking personally I think there some advantages to getting a re-mortgage or short-term loan to cover the US investment. when I relocated to the US, although I was not coming on an E2 investment visa I kept my home for nearly a year until I was full settled in the US.  I then sold my house and bought a house in the US. I found this approach worked very well.

Some clients have no choice but to sell their house to raise the money and where this is the case then of course the client has to do what they need to do to make the move. However, I would encourage clients to consider trying to raise the money through their non-US bank to buy the business so that they can buy themselves even 6 months to a year to get themselves settled in the US.



When to Hire Us

Our fees for the typical E2 visa ranges from $7,000 – $8,500.  These fees are payable in three installments 50%, 25% and 25%.   You can check out our retainer agreement by clicking here. When like to start working officially for our clients before they have actually found the right business.

The main reason we like to get started early is because there are so many issues to discuss with the client planning things out that we want to spend the time required within a client-attorney relationship. Also, there are many documents the client can be preparing with us so that when they finally find that right business and the Seller says they need a quick completion, we can just finish off the case quickly and get the case filed with USCIS/Embassy with the minimum of delay and, most importantly stress.

We work with many clients whose experience working this way has been fantastic because everything was organized well in advance. We also have clients who have left things until the last minute and then find themselves running around like crazy making all kinds of rushed discussions. We still get them taken care of, but it’s not fun.

Ok, we should have you booked for a further consult very soon. So I look forward to speaking with you then.

Chris M. Ingram., LL.M., ESQ.
Attorney at Law

E2 Video – The Paul Butler Interview  Here
E2 Guide Here
Sample E2 Approvals Here
E2 Testimonials Here

Immigration Law Offices of Chris M. IngramUS Immigration Law Offices of Chris M. Ingram
Chris M. Ingram LL.M., ESQ – Immigration Attorney
Admitted in New York.
Practice Specializing in US Immigration Law
520 Broadway, Suite 350,
Santa Monica,
California 90401
Tel: 310 496 4292

Everyday the Law Offices of Chris M. Ingram provides a comprehensive range of US Immigration expertise. We also provide a free consultation for our prospective clients.


General Location:    Santa Monica , Santa Clarita, Los Angeles, California, USA.
Serving all 50 States
Copyright 2010


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