EB1 Case Worker / Client Support Training – Practical Exercises
These Practice Exercises will help give you an understanding of how to build an EB1 Case
Now that you have gotten familiar with the visa types and the law that we practice, we would like to get started on some practical exercises. In this first part, there are a number of tasks for you to do that will achieve the following goals:
– Help you get comfortable navigating the IPC
– Have a better understanding of how a case is prepared and packaged
– Further develop your knowledge of how are cases are built.
Ok, so below there are four tasks outlined. As you finish each one, you can move onto the next. The Practice Manager and the Practice Development Manager are available for assistance as you may need it.
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Practical Exercise 1 – Printing a Case
Whilst printing a case will rarely be part of your daily tasks, it will allow you to practice working on the IPC as well as give you a great reference to refer to when building a case.
- Access the case file for Michael Sargeant. Go to his Petition Docs tab and open the bundle labeled ‘EB1 Master Table of Contents.’ This is the case you will be printing.
- Scan the case file to determine how many line items there are. You will be sent an attachment containing a file labeled ‘Dividers.’ You will need to print the same number of dividers as line items for the case.
- Number the tabs (which you will be provided with) and place them in the appropriate place on the dividers. Now you are ready to begin printing.
- Please access each document and then print each document in each line item. The documents should be put into the hard copy case in the same order that they are found in the online case file. As you print the items, place them under the appropriate divider.
- Once you have finished printing the case, you will need to 3-hole punch to document and place it in a white binder. This can serve as a great reference for you moving forward.
By studying successful cases, you can see what we require of our clients
Practical Exercise 2 – Studying an EB1 Case
Now that you have your printed reference, you will need to take some time to really study it. As you are reviewing the case, please note the following:
- Read through the written arguments to see how the evidence is presented. Compare those arguments to the regulation.
Your role is ensure that the argument writer has all of the documentation he or she requires to make their argument, so pay close attention to how the presented evidence satisfies each element of the category.
It is very important that you understand the role of the argument writer, as well as your own role, as you will be working together to create these cases. So read the arguments closely and pay attention to each element individually as well as the over all case.
Practical Exercise 3 – Training Materials
By now, you will have a great set of references to guide you in your role. The final step is to print out and put into a binder all of the training materials that Chris has developed for the clients. This will not only help you understand the evidence, but it will also familiarize you with the resources available to our clients.
To print the training materials, please go back to the case file for Michael Sargeant. From there, you will need to access the Visa Guides Tab. In doing so, you will see 11 chapters. Access each, one by one, and print all of the materials provided in there.
Once you have all of these items printed and put into a binder, you will need to study them closely. In working with clients, you should mirror this language to drive in the best evidence. It is also important to where the sample letters are located so you can properly guide the clients.
Ok – now you should have a very solid reference library right at hand. You will likely refer back to this quite often, and it will continue to provide you will much needed guidance.
Remember, these guides are meant to be as comprehensive as possible, but each client is very, very different, so do not limit your thinking to these examples. Rather, consider the legal arguments behind the evidence and how that may be applied to the various clients.
Now we are going to move on to a discussion of the Practice Memorandum, an invaluable tool in preparing EB1 cases. As you work through the next session, you with be add materials to your reference library.
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