RAISE ACT – Dead on Arrival
By Chris M. Ingram, LL.M., ESQ
Today, President Trump along with Senators Mr. Cotton and Mr. Perdue announced the introduction of the “Reforming American Immigration for a Strong Economy” Act or RAISE Act. The proposed Act seeks to reduce legal immigration in to the US by limiting the pathways by which immigrants can effectively come to the US. Having read the Act, and listened to public commentary from other Republican Senators, it appears that the Act has virtually no chance of passing the Senate. It’s Dead on Arrival (DOA).
Republican Senator Lindsey Graham Slams RAISE ACT
Although the Act is poorly written on its face, when you get into the weeds of it, it’s quite horrifying. Basically, it seeks to set an immigrant cap to 228,000 per year. This cap would be split in to three categories: –
Family-Based Limited to 88,000 Per Year
Family would only include Spouse and children under 18. Parents appear to be excluded as well as siblings, and children over 18.
Points System – Employment – Limited to 140,000 shared with Investment based Applicants
The 140,000 quota would be under a points-based system.
Points System – Investment – Limited 140,000 shared with Employment Applicants
Here the investment bands would be $1.3 million and $1.8 million and this too is subject to a points-based system. No investments under this amount would qualify for anything.
Republican Senator Ron Johnson Slams RAISE ACT
To pass you have to score 30 points. For example, a Nobel Prize winner would get 25 points and an Olympic Medalist would get 15 points.
Another way to earn additional points would be down to your age. The older you are the less points you earn. So, the over 51s get no points. So technically, a Nobel prize Winner who is over 51 would not qualify.
Under the RAISE Act, I could not find any category for people who worked in the arts. Also, there is no way for people with very little education, who might be seeking hard manual work, to get a visa.
Perpetual Hell
The most horrifying element is that even if you get the points you are not guaranteed a visa. Once you have earned the points you fall into the 140,000 “eligibility pool” and 50% of the highest ranking 140,000 will get selected every six months. Yeah! Crazy.
Who would want to subject themselves to this nightmare?
“Every 6 months, the Director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services shall invite the highest ranked applicants in the eligible applicant pool…”
Why is the RAISE Act Dead on Arrival?
Apart from the RAISE Act being crazy on its face, immigration to the US would be reduced to almost nothing – 140,000 per year based on employment is just a trickle in a population of over 300 million.
There is no clarity or certainty in the system, you just have to hope that every six months you happen to be in the top 140,000. Remember, new applicants can apply at any time and leap over you if they are more qualified. You could sit in the pool indefinitely and never make it out. Yeah! Crazy.
Immigrants are the most patriotic Americans you’ll ever meet. Immigrants fought to make it into America and now they are here they want to fight to Make America Great Again – Why are we getting in their way?
Legislative Process for an Act to Become Law
Since the RAISE Act was introduced in the Senate, in order to pass it will require 60 votes out of 100 votes total, and then it would go to the House of Representatives. The House would have to also pass it.
The Republicans in the Senate currently have 52 seats, the Democrats 46 and Independents 2. Already some Republicans have come out and said the RAISE Act will not get their vote and no Democrat would vote for this, as it would be so destructive to the American Economy and American Families. So, there is no pathway to getting to 60 votes even if every Republican voted for it. RAISE is Dead on Arrival.
We are living in very interesting times. With President Trump’s approval ratings in the mid 30% mark and falling, it’s really difficult to see how any major legislation can get passed unless it can be done in a bipartisan way. In order for legislation to get passed in a bipartisan way, any proposed legislation has to be on its face reasonable, something the public can get behind.
It’s clear from first reading of the RAISE Act that it has no chance of going anywhere – but isn’t that what all of the news pundits said about Trump’s chances of becoming President?
On a positive note, the stock market has hit an all-time high and unemployment is at 4.4%. Meanwhile, the White House appears to have become a side-show, an irrelevance or just entertainment. America is thriving despite the antics of the President.
If the White House is to shape America, Congress has to pass major legislation inspired by the President and so far that is simply not happening.
So, let’s get on with business as usual. The American Dream is alive and kicking 🙂
If you have any immigration plans whatsoever, my advice is to get busy getting your US Immigration plans underway asap while these current pathways are still available. Call 760 754 7000 Today! Do not delay.
While Visas Last
About Chris M. Ingram., LL.M., ESQ.
Attorney Chris M. Ingram is originally from Northampton, England. Chris M. Ingram Graduated with a BA(Hons) Degree in Law from De Montfort University, Leicester, UK in 1994, Chris M. Ingram then went on to the De Montfort School of Law in 1996 and graduated with a Post Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice (PGDLP). In 1998 Chris M. Ingram graduated with a Masters of Laws and Letters (LL.M) from Huddersfield University, UK. and after relocating to the U.S. Chris was admitted to the New York State Bar in 2003. Chris has been a member of the American Immigration Lawyers Association since 2004.
Having gone through the US Immigration process personally with his wife and three children, Chris M. Ingram founded his own law firm with the clear mission to make sure every client had the very best US Immigration experience possible. To begin with, Chris M. Ingram set about writing and creating the very best comprehensive US Immigration education platform so that every visitor had the opportunity to discover in their own time and at their own pace their US Visa, Work Permit and Green Card options for free. Today, the Law Offices of Chris M. Ingram’s website has over one thousand pages of content and hundreds of education videos and testimonials to inform and inspire every visitor. We are adding new content all the time.
Attorney Chris M. Ingram also believes that everyone should be able to have a free consultations so that potential clients can speak personally and confidentially with an immigration specialist and discuss their US Visa, Work Permit and Green Card needs and learn about how we can help them achieve the American Dream.
We’re delighted you have found us and we look forward to helping you make this a reality this year. You’ve come to the right place.
It’s all about you!
Important Notice:
Please note that all videos created by the Law Offices of Chris M. Ingram are intended as general information only and not specific legal advice pertaining your case. If you would like specific legal advice on any immigration matter please do not hesitate to contact this law office accordingly. All pictorial images used in these videos and the website in general are licensed stocked images and not portraits, or otherwise, of anyone from the Law Offices of Chris M. Ingram, nor of its clients unless otherwise indicated by name. All images are used solely for illustrative purposes only. Copyright 2010-2017 All Rights Reserved.
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