March 2010 Newsletter – US Immigration Fortunes Are Changing – Part 3
Immigration Reform Update: Yes, I’ve been watching the news, reading the tea leaves, looking for an “R” in the month, praying on bended knee and wondering are we ever going to get this Immigration reform done. As I’ve been commenting on in newsletters past Comprehensive Immigration Reform (CIR) can only come after Comprehensive Healthcare Reform (CHR). The president would look ridiculous having invested over a year on CHR to abandon this issue and then turn his attention to an almost equally highly controversial issue such as CIR.
In what seems to be a last ditch attempt of bipartisanship (republications and democrats working together), President Obama, on February 25, 2010, held a CHR summit. Has the summit achieved anyhing? I’m no expert on American politics and the intricacies of Congressional rules of order; basically I just watch the news, listen to the pundits and weigh in to my readers. Anyway, under a little-used rule called “Reconciliation”, when a bill has passed both the House of Representatives and the Senate the two bills are “reconciled”. Here only a simple majority vote is required, as opposed to a two thirds vote needed to pass bills in the two houses. The pundits say that having gone through the trouble of taking more than 12 months to pass the CHR and made every attempt to seek bipartisan support there was no alternative other than to use the Reconciliation rule to pass CHR into law, even without any Republican support. President Obama said that CHR must be passed and the electorate will declare their approval one way or the other at the ballot box come next election. Moreover, President Obama said that this CHR will need to be resolved within the next 4-6 weeks.
So it looks like we’re a step closer to getting CHR out of the way soon. When I say “out of the way”, I don’t mean to imply that CHR is not a vitally important piece of legislation, for it certainly is. Many of our readers are used to a nationalized health care service, so CHR is a big step in that direction which is precisely why it is such a polarizing issue.
The Professionals: Throughout 2009 and continuing into 2010 our firm has begun to attract immigration enquiries from a wide range of top professionals from hit shows such as “Dances with the Stars”, “The Tudors”, and TV channels like MTV and Disney. We’re also attracting University Professors and Scientists from academia. Technicians, Editors, International Boxers/ Trainers, Bankers, IT and Management Consultants are also approaching us for help. All this tells me that we must be doing something right.
It seems that there is a real “Brain Drain” and “Talent Drain” to the US going on and US is taking full advantage to facilitate this flow through the O1 visa and EB1 Green Card . Please check out these visas. The challenge for me is to let people know that this could be a visa for them – because most of my prospective clients/clients have an innate sense of modesty and don’t consider themselves as potentially viable candidates for these extraordinary people visas. I would encourage our readers to do the O1 Visa Test and the EB1 Green Card Test and see if they have a shot here. These visas are not just for the very best and brightest, these visas are also for those aliens who assist the best and brightest in almost any field. Let me know how you get on.
I hope you enjoyed this newsletter. I’ve had to write a newsletter to cover everyone’s personal interests. I do hope that over time our (now more than 3000 +) regular readers continue to find inspiration and encouragement to keep their American Dream alive – whether they are already here or looking to join us here.
Part 1 – Are Ready For Change
E2 and L1 Visas
Part 2 – Raising The Bar
Client Visa Guides
Part 3 – Immigration Reform
The Professional O1 and EB1
US Immigration Law Offices of Chris M. Ingram
Chris M. Ingram LL.M., ESQ – Immigration Attorney
Admitted in New York.
Practice Specializing in US Immigration Law
520 Broadway, Suite 350,
Santa Monica,
California 90401
Tel: 310 496 4292
Everyday the Law Offices of Chris M. Ingram provides a comprehensive range of US Immigration expertise. We also provide a free consultation for our prospective clients.
Book Your Free Telephone Consultation Today!
Copyright 2010
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