O1A and EB1 Green Card Visa Success – for Marc, Logistics Expert

Marc was a great O1 candidate. Marc defining characteristic was a determination never to take no for an answer.
We asked our successful visa client Marc, all about his O1 visa experience. Marc’s expertise is within Logistics, where he’s acclaimed the title “The Logistical Entrepreneur”. As someone that has always had a passion and curiosity to change the world and better other people’s lives, Marc’s career progressed and advanced to a higher level where he was bringing top-level executives and CEO’s of multinational corporations onboard with his own developments and ideas. Update – Since Marc first sent us his O-1A Testimonial, we have since secured him an EB1 green card too. So, we’re doubly excited for Marc 🙂
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Marc’s taste of America ignited when he first traveled to the US when he was just 12 years old. Looking forward to more consistent work in the US, Marc turned to us to secure an O1 visa for him.
One of Marc’s skills is knowing how to make the news. When publications are writing about you it means a great deal to USCIS.
In this testimonial, Marc gives us an insider look at the world of logistics and his achievements to date. We were certainly inspired by his story, and we hope you are too.
If you’d like assistance in getting your O1 visa please give us a call on 310 496 4292 today.
Tell me about where you are from and a little bit about what you do.
I was born and raised in Manchester in the United Kingdom. My expertise is within Logistics, where I’ve acclaimed the title “The Logistical Entrepreneur”. My journey started when I traveled across 30 countries and studied in the UK, USA, and China. I became fascinated with how the world operates and the logistics behind it. These complex processes always kept me intrigued and along with my own personal challenges that I’ve been exposed to, which included having my data compromised after a network was breached.
I ensured this would never happen again and started to notice many ways to improve the logistics sector due to my attention to detail and focusing on the finer aspects that may have been missed by others. This led to me creating multiple breakthroughs across various sectors, which include the logistical placement of data and it’s security in order to keep major multi-national companies secure.
Secondly the international distribution of consumer products and finally the transportation of tropical fish across the globe due to my interest in marine biology. All of which has led to receiving numerous awards from prestigious organizations and being recognized by many influential individuals, due to my substantial contributions.
US Immigration officers cannot really tell if you’re great in this field so they have to go off what other independent experts might say about you. So again, when you are featured in industry magazines, USCIS takes the view that the magazine would not write about you if your message was not valuable to its readers.
How did you work your way up the ranks to reach your level and what were some of the challenges along the way?
I’ve always had a passion and curiosity to change the world and better other people’s lives by focusing on the tiny details that not everybody noticed. My career progressed and advanced to this level by constantly questioning these processes and combining newer technologies, which enabled me to develop my own solutions to these problems. These were then implemented across different sectors and significantly changed the industry through logistics.
I believe the most challenging areas were to bring top-level executives and CEO’s of multi national corporations onboard with my own developments and ideas. Even if I knew my strategy was a breakthrough and could protect the security of thousands of companies, it’s another challenge to gain the confidence of these individuals, especially as I’m much younger. However, once they implemented my developments, it led to my continued success and recognition by other industry professionals and ultimately rising to the top of my field.
Have you ever lived in the US before? If so, under what circumstances? If not, what aroused your interest in a move to the US?
I first visited the USA on a family trip across the west coast when I was 12 years old.
This trip certainly was the instigator, which initially caused me to fall in love with America. However it wasn’t long after until I then had the opportunity to carry out my international exchange in San Diego after receiving an offer from the University, this was an easy answer and really excelled my feelings towards the country. It even led to me being offered a work placement in Indiana the following year, after advancing the company in England on my return from the exchange. Over the next few years, I continued to explore the USA on multiple trips with friends and attended numerous conventions for pleasure.
I truly believe the quality of life that you gain by living in the USA is like no other country in the world. The outdoor lifestyle in Southern California and the entrepreneurial attitude of individuals who live there, not only inspires me but matches with my own entrepreneurial mindset to change the world and better other peoples lives. Therefore when I was headhunted and given the opportunity to live in the USA again, it certainly was something that I couldn’t let pass me by. I then began working on my visa to make it happen.
Another headline papers have used to describe Marc standing in the industry.
How did you decide to pursue an O1?
Originally last year when I began my visa application after being headhunted and receiving the job offer, I was advised to go for an O1 due to my achievements and abilities by a different law firm. However, this previous law firm didn’t present my case very well, left out crucial evidence, advised me to collect the incorrect documentation and overall were unprofessional and a nightmare to work with. This lead to me only achieving 1 of 3 of the sections needed after submission and ultimately a denial. However, I was still determined to achieve my dream, especially as I did achieve one of the three sections required and plenty of evidence had been left out. I continued to search online for the best law firms who specialized in O1/EB1 visa’s and came across Chris M. Ingram and his team.
I sent over all of my previous evidence to Chris M. Ingram and after they carefully spent time looking through everything and hearing about my achievements and abilities. They still believed the O1 was the best route for me, however they advised me that I needed to collect a little more evidence if I was going to achieve this visa and it needed to be displayed in a much clearer and professional form. I, therefore, continued to pursue the O1 with Chris M. Ingram and his team and collected this evidence required, until then submitting everything, where I was accepted with a straight approval and no RFE in around 1 week (with premium processing)
What was your experience with the O1 petition process?
My experience for the O1 petition process was slightly more complicated than others, due to the problems mentioned above. It made my initial experience certainly more stressful than it needed to be. However with all matters in life, when you have a dream, you should never give up and keep moving forward, especially if you truly believe in your work. You also find that many people only want to help you achieve your dream in any way they can too.
Finding Chris M. Ingram and his team truly was a complete transformation and they showed me exactly how seamless the process should be. Their online system also made things extremely easy for everyone to be on the same page and work together in an efficient manner. It just goes to show how important it is to have an extremely knowledgeable lawyer behind you and how much difference they can make within the process, in order to make your dream a reality.
What were some of the challenges you had to work on in the preparation of your case, for example, evidence gathering?
During the preparation of my case, the largest challenges were waiting on individuals to complete the references I needed. Influential individuals such as CEO’s of major corporations and Fortune 500 companies, whom I needed to sign my references, are always very busy in their own lives and as it takes time to write a detailed reference, I had to wait for a while to receive them. Secondly, some things only happen at specific times of the year. (e.g. award ceremonies) Therefore you have to wait until these events occur which all takes time. Overall it can be a long process to collect everything and there are also a lot of hoops you have to jump through, but in the end, it’s all worth it and it comes together looking extremely professional and displaying your true qualities.
What kind of relationship did/do you have Chris and his team?
I had an amazing relationship with Lindsey, she was always there to talk to, always there to listen to my concerns and always there to make the amendments that I wanted to be implemented. After having such a bad experience previously with a different law firm, it literally was a breath of fresh air working with Lindsey. The rest of the team were also fantastic and were always there to answer any of my questions too (I had many). Secondly to have a lawyer that believes in you and works together with you so that you can achieve your dream is just an amazing experience.
Many lawyers just want to take your money, however, with Chris M. Ingram and his team, they’re fully behind you and want to help you so that you can achieve an approval, not just by taking your money without caring about the result. I’d truly recommend them to anyone, they’re amazing at what they do and finally, they even present your case to the immigration officer in a clear, precise and easy to read manner. This certainly makes it easier for the USCIS to read, understand, acknowledge your achievements and finally approve your case due to your extraordinary abilities that are professionally displayed.
What were you doing when you found out you were approved? What was your immediate reaction? How did/will you celebrate?
I was in the middle of Vienna (Austria) when I first found out. I’d just completed a meeting to inspire other individuals within an organization that I’m extremely involve
d with and continued to check my inbox straight after it had finished. ( I had a feeling that the email could be coming very soon). I saw the email had arrived and immediately my heart started pounding. I quickly went back to my hotel, found a bench to sit down on and called my family just before I opened the email. It was such indescribable feeling, after all, it has been over 1 year since I first started my journey to move to the USA and accept my dream job offer. (I just needed my visa to make it happen!)
As soon as I opened the email with my family on the phone, due to there being so much information, I didn’t know where to look. However as I continued to glance through, I then saw the word “approval”. At that moment, I felt an overwhelming feeling of excitement and that I was finally going to be able to achieve my dream with amazing things to come in the future. It truly was unbelievable. My family were also still on the phone and as I’d gone quiet when I was reading through everything… they were wondering what had happened and kept asking “Did you get it? Did you get it?”
I quickly told them and everyone was ecstatic. I’d finally made it happen and finally, this dream could come true, I was going to be able to move to the USA! I was originally going to fly to Berlin that next day on a short trip, however instead I flew straight back to England to celebrate with my family and friends about the fantastic news!
What are you looking forward to most about moving to the US?
The American Dream is worth fighting for because America is awesome. You really can be all you can be.
I’m excited to finally achieve my lifelong dream of living in the USA, along with being able to accept my dream job at the company that has sponsored me and waited patiently for me over the past year. Secondly, it will enable me to spend time with my family and close friends who are in this part of the world. Finally, I can’t wait to experience an outdoor style of living again and be in the sun every day or walk down the beach in the evening watching the sunset. I’ve missed it and it certainly puts a smile on your face when it’s such lovely weather outside every day, it truly transforms your life and beats the cold, wet, rainy weather here in the UK.
What will you miss the most about your home country?
I’m going to miss my family, my friends, my dog and certainly a real English cup of tea! (It just doesn’t compare anywhere else in the world – I’ve tried) However I’ll certainly be visiting and with today’s technologies, it’s easier to stay in touch than ever before. Everyone will only be a phone call away and luckily there are even some British shops in LA to satisfy my sweet tooth for some English biscuits and Cadbury’s chocolate!
What advice would you give to any immigrant considering an O1 or who is already in the process?
I think the most important piece of advice is that you should never give up, as it really is possible to make it happen if you truly want to achieve your dream. There are times it can become difficult, there are times, where it may become hard to gather all the documents required. However, you should truly always stay positive, stay determined and keep persistent as it really does pay off.
If one avenue doesn’t work out, brainstorm and try again, along with thinking of everyone in your network who may be able to help you or vouch for your achievements. You can make it happen and with an amazing law firm such as Chris M. Ingram behind you, you’re certainly in good hands.
Secondly another important area is that along the way, make sure the evidence that you collect is exactly what they’re looking for and double check it with Chris’ team, as there’s no point spending lots of hard work and time collecting evidence which doesn’t help you, even if you think it looks good.
A Note from Attorney Chris M. Ingram
Winning O1/EB1 cases, or any case for that matter, is not easy peasy and it’s never a sure thing. You have to respect the process. In the above case, Marc had to work really hard to build up his profile to meet the standards USCIS was looking for. So we worked with Marc until we were completely satisfied he had a good case. We work our clients as hard as we can, and we make no apology for that because we’re in the winning business.
Also, you need to appreciate that not all USCIS officers are the same, there are both good/fair and bad/unfair officers and you never know who will read your case. I try and educate my clients that if you get a bad adjudication, the first thing you need to do is not panic, it may be that you got an unfair officer. Do not just turn on your lawyer as it may not be his or her fault, it could be that you simply got a bad officer. In my 15 years of practice, I’ve seen great decisions and some really crazy decisions. I once had a client who made one million dollars in one year and the officer said that it was not enough, so we had to re-file the case and this time we got a fair office who would approve the case. So, you really never know.
US Immigration officers are people. The officers are really a mixed bunch. Some a veterans, some are brand new all have the power to determine your future. They hold the keys to your future in America and so our job is to figure the very best way to get them to say yes!
So, what you do is wait until you get the Request for Further Evidence or Denial and then you calmly go over it with your attorney to figure what is being requested or on what grounds was the case denied.
What we do is draft a detailed and studied assessment and then we formulate an aggressive response strategy. Maybe there is an element in your case that can be improved upon, a clarification of some kind. Maybe our analysis determines that your case was adjudicated by an unfair officer because crucial evidence included was simply ignored. Either way, by working closely with your attorney (us) we can normally figure what should be done and we can usually fix the problem and ultimately end up with a win, it’s all part of the process.
We fight until we win. It’s that simple.
We’re a good law firm because, like our successful clients, we fight hard until we win. It’s that simple. So whilst we love to get the straight wins, it’s important to also highlight that winning might be a battle and sometimes there is simply no avoiding it. What is absolutely vital to success is staying the course and fighting the good fight. Even the best boxers cannot knock out every opponent in one punch, sometimes they have to go a few rounds as they wear down their opponent. So, if you want a great law firm to fight for you, then you’ve come to the right place. Never let anyone determine your future for you.
Chris M. Ingram, LL.M., ESQ
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Immigration Law Offices of Chris M. Ingram
US Immigration Law Offices of Chris M. Ingram
Chris M. Ingram LL.M., ESQ – Immigration Attorney
Admitted in New York.
Practice Specializing in US Immigration Law
401 Wilshire Boulevard, 12th Floor,
[Cross Streets 4th and Wilshire]
Santa Monica,
California 90401
Tel: 310 496 4292
Everyday the Law Offices of Chris M. Ingram provides a comprehensive range of US Immigration expertise. We also provide a free consultation for our prospective clients.
Please note that nothing contained in this website or link therefrom shall be regarded as providing legal advice. Please contact us directly for legal advice specific to your situation. Thank You.
Specializing in the E2 Visa, EB1 Green Card, L-1A Visa and O1 Visa and K1 Visa Marriage-Based Immigration. Attorney Chris M. Ingram is dedicated to providing the very best in US Immigration legal representation. Enjoy our website.
Important Notice: Please note that all videos created by the Law Offices of Chris M. Ingram are intended as general information only and not specific legal advice pertaining your case. If you would like specific legal advice on any immigration matter please do not hesitate to contact this law office accordingly. All pictorial images used in these videos and the website in general are licensed stocked images and not portraits, or otherwise, of anyone from the Law Offices of Chris M. Ingram, nor of its clients unless otherwise indicated by name. All images are used solely for illustrative purposes only. Copyright 2010-2015 All Rights Reserved.
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