E2 Visas – Chris M. Ingram ESQ Outlines Your US Immigration Options
We took the E2 visa plunge and now we’re living the American Dream. Running your own business is not a piece of cake but we enjoy the security having bought a successful business that had been established for the last 18 years.
E2 Visas are one of the most exciting US Immigration Options for our clients. The main reason is because for the person who may not be a celebrity or a renowned academic or corporate executive the E2 visa enables anyone with a modest amount of capital to take their American Dream into their own hands and relocate.
E2 visa clients do not have to search for that US employer to hire them. I’ve experienced the desperate call of a Client who is now facing the daunting task of up rooting their family back to the UK because they lost their job due to down sizing. US Immigration requirements are so tough that any alien being sponsored by an employer who subsequently loses their job has 10 days to find another qualifying job or must leave the US within 30 days.
I’m all for clients celebrating the fact that they found a US sponsor to employ them, but I’m also keen that where ever possible, especially if a family is involved, that the alien try to structure their US immigration plans with a viable alternative and to explore and implement the fastest immigration pathway to a green card.
The E2 investment visa is all about helping people invest into a small business that will create jobs for Americans. Even if you have never ran a business before there are many business opportunities out there that require very little training, that have been established for many years and with a lot of commitment taking over the business should not only be a smooth transition but a successful one. It is so important to the US economy that as many small businesses are either started or expanded and therefore US Immigration is all about welcoming anyone who is willing to take part in this effort. This having been said, US Immigration has set out very strict rules as to who may qualify so they are not fooled by aliens saying one thing but then doing another.
I was confident in starting my own business rather than buying one because I had years of doing the same business back home. Now I’ve opened my second store in beauty therapy and survived the 2009 recession. It was not easy but I’m living the life where I want to be in the style my hard work has paid for.
Making a successful E2 visa application requires a lot of know how, experience and planning. and this is where I hope to provide the most amount of support. I have been working these cases consistently and successfully for many years and over the last seven years there is not a day that goes by where we’re not working on one E2 or another. There is a right way to go for an E2 visa and a wrong way. What might be suitable for one client may not be for another so we take a lot of care in helping our clients structure their relocation in the most efficient way.
Some clients may think that they should find the business first then hire us to help them with the paperwork. In my opinion this is probably the worst way to go. The main reason is time. It would be like trying to plan an elaborate wedding in just a couple of weeks. The stress of doing it that way would put a serious strain on any relatioship. Similarly, if you found the right business today the seller will want the sale to go through as quickly as possible and rightly so. If you have not even started to prepare all the fundamentals of your case then right from the get go you will be completely stressed trying to get everything in place as quickly as possible, mistakes get made, corners get cut as the threat of losing the business opportunity looms if you don’t get everything in place. On top of those challenges you still have to worry about getting the case processed through the Embassy and they are in no rush. So my advice is that if you’re looking to seriously relocate within the next 6-12 months we should be working up the case now so that your affairs can be put in order in a more relaxed way.
We have a lot of resources to share with our clients so they can fully prepare themselves for the journey of a life time. I’m very much looking forward to working with you very soon. Let’s get the ball rolling today. I can’t wait. More Info. Also see links below.
US Immigration Law Offices of Chris M. IngramUS Immigration Law Offices of Chris M. Ingram
Chris M. Ingram LL.M., ESQ – Immigration Attorney
Admitted in New York.
Practice Specializing in US Immigration Law
520 Broadway, Suite 350,
Santa Monica,
California 90401 Tel: 310 496 4292
Everyday the Law Offices of Chris M. Ingram provides a comprehensive range of US Immigration expertise. We also provide a free consultation for our prospective clients.
General Location: Santa Clarita, Los Angeles, California, USA.
Serving all 50 States Copyright 2010
Please note that nothing contained in this website or link therefrom shall be regarded as providing legal advice. Please contact us directly for legal advice specific to your situation. Thank You.
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