Law Offices of Chris M. Ingram

Part 4 – Getting Started

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  7. Guide to Writing a Good Transcript


Guide to Writing a Good Transcript
Part 1 – Introduction
Part 2 – Developing a Familiar Tone
Part 3 – Quick Run through of Visa Requirements
Part 4 – Getting Started


Investment VisasGetting Started

The first thing you have to do is do your home work. Study the visa type you are about to write on throughly so you know the requirements from end to end.  Again, your focus should not be on how to prepare the case and run it, but instead your focus needs to be on qualifying a potential client for that visa type. In other words your presentation is basically an Intake presentation.

0-1A-1Map Out Your Videos

You then need to map out how many videos will be in your series. ideally you do not want too many episodes if you will as many clients will not plough them all, there is quite a steep drop off rate the more videos you have. For our E1 and E2 visas we have 8 parts and for our O1 and EB1 series we have up to 10 – 12 because there are many categories within these visa types that visitors need to selection from. For example, for an EB1 green card there is one major category and 10 smaller categories. However, to qualify the client need only satisfy the main category or three from the list of ten minor categories. So whilst we had to do all the videos most clients will be selecting which ones they watch according to the categories they are looking to satisfy.

For the E1 and E2 visas there are no categories as such, the visitors pretty much have to follow the whole thing through or go as far as they feel comfortable to just pick up the phone and call the firm or send in a consultation request form.

Write Your Transcripts 

You then have to craft your transcripts for the series. Remember to follow the style in the E1 videos series and others. Those reassuring phrases are vital to keep the presentation intimate and friendly. If you cannot see your reader as a close friend or family member you will write with distance and not intimacy, but if you see your reader as a close friend or family member your writing style will be lighter, yet just as informative. Take off the persona of being an attorney, just just focus on being a friend with good information to share.

Having Your Transcripts Evaluated 

When you turn in your transcripts, also turn in a copy of all source material used  that were prepare transcript.

Your Practice Manager will study your materials and will at some point give you the green light to then go into production.

Production Order 

The Making Educational Video Series will Training on how to go through the following stages of video production.

  1. Prepare all of your transcripts for the entire project.
  2. Then record all of your transcripts back to back and save them.
  3. Then edit all of your audio recordings.
  4. Then move on to preparing the slides for each transcript.
  5. Then combine your audio, slides and backing music using the software Camtasia
  6. Then export your finished videos to the video streaming site
  7. Then post the video code to the main  as directed.


Good luck for now. You’re doing great!!!


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