Law Offices of Chris M. Ingram

Post Consult Report Writing

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Post Consult Report

Post Consult Reports

Post Consult Reports are very important for two reasons. Firstly, it’s your opportunity to make a record as to what you know about the prospective client so that when you come back to do your follow up you can remind yourself as to where you left off. Secondly, it’s ideal for the prospect to read over and share with his family, or business associates.

A good Post Consultation Report should  have the following elements to it: –

1: Thank the prospect for giving you the opportunity to discuss their situation.

2: Outline what their situation is. here you are letting the client know that you took notes and that you understand precisely what his situation so that when you roll into your recommendations it’s founded upon an accurate assessment of their situation.

3: Recommended course of action.

4: Fees Involved.

5: Retainer Link.

6. Testimonial Links

7. Next Step in Course of Action.

So here is a sample email you can use as a guide as you write your Post Consultation Report.


Sample Post Consultation Report

Hi Adrian,

It  was a real pleasure speaking with you today and I look forward to us working together in the near future. As promised below is my Post Consultation Report which summarizes where you’re presently at and what the plan is moving forward.

Synopsis of Adrian and Sofie Smith’s Situation

Adrian is married to Sofie and they have two children Mark (6) and Anna (4).  Adrian is an engineer and Sofie works for Barclays bank and a bank teller.  Adrian would like to relocate to Texas to work in the oil & gas industry and Sofie would like to open a UPS franchise or similar business and is currently looking for potential business opportunities but so far has not found anything yet. Sofie’s budget for a suitable business is $100,000. USD.

Adrian and Sofie would like to relocate within the next six months or so.

Recommended Immigration Solution

Based on our telephone conversation today and the information provided we would recommend the  E2 Treaty investor Visa, which is specifically designed to help people like you buy or set up your own business in the US. The above link is to a great E2 visa video series that lays out precisely what you need to be aware of in order to qualify for this opportunity.

What I’d like to do is outline again the various steps involved in the process to give you an idea as to what to expect moving forward.

Phase 1 –

Once you retain us we will begin by gathering from you all of your background information regarding the family, passport papers, passport pictures, birth certificates etc as these will be required to be included in your case. We’ll also begin a complete work on documenting your ‘Source of Investment Funds’.

Under  anti-money laundering regulations Us Immigration will want us to establish through a course of documentation that the funds being used to make the investment into the US came from a legitimate source. Our goal will be to take care of all of these initial matters prior to your business is found.

We always recommend that clients complete phase one before choosing a business, this is because when a Seller has a potential buyer they will only accept the buyer’s offer if they can prove they can complete the process quickly. Often Sellers and Brokers discriminate against accepting offers from aliens abroad because of fear that the immigration red tape will take too long and they always want to close quickly. However, if we can demonstrate that all of the preparatory work has been done and that we can move quickly to filing the case then we have a better chance of the Seller accepting the buyer’s offer.

Phase 2 –

You would then need to find a business opportunity that met your requirements. Our sister company E2 Visa Business Services LLC are specialists in helping our clients find suitable businesses. E2 Visa Business Services LLC can also help you incorporate in the US and write your E2 Visa Business Plan if you wish.

Phase 3 –

Final case preparation and submission of business and application to Immigration. In this phase we’ll be busy preparing your entire E2 visa case submission to the Embassy for review. We’ll guide you every step of the way answering all of your questions as we go. our goal is to give you a great experience.  In fact we have a library of client only videos that also explain in detail about every document required so even when our office is closed you will have full online access to your case file online and all of the video resources we have made specifically available to you.

Timing of Retaining 

We recommend that clients retain us when they are within six- nine months of their targeted relocation / arrival date as this will give us all the time we need to move through the three phases in an orderly and timely manner.

However, sometimes prospect client contact us when they have already found a potential business and in that situation we’d invite them to retain our services asap so we can evaluate the business opportunity or start up business idea to make sure it would be a suitable option for an E2 visa.

Legal Fees

The attorney fees are $6,950 paid 50%, 25% and 25%. These payments will be due as each stage is completed. Please review the following links at your earliest convenience.

The only other fee for visa processing is the $205 filing fee paid direct to the Embassy.

Retaining Us to Represent You

Retainer Overview

Retainer Agreement itself

Success Stories

When I can I try to film interviews with some of my clients so they can share there story as to how they came from their country to becoming business owners in the US under an E2 Visa. If you have not watched their stories here are some links you may find useful.

Peter and Sue /   Paul and Gaynor  / Rob and Jilly  / Chuck and Dorka / Joe

Follow Up

Based on our conversation I have you booked in my calendar to talk to you again Wednesday XX/XX/XX at 10.00am PST and that will be [Time] your time.

Again, it was a pleasure speaking with you today and I look forward to our next consultation as planed.


Chris M. Ingram, LL.M., ESQ.
Attorney at Law


Yes, this Post Consultation Report is quite long but it’s mostly a boiler plate. So once you have taken this one you can make it your own and tweak it for each prospective client accordingly. Also, by loading the email with great links back to our site and testimonials too, you’re giving the prospective client plenty of information to work with. Bearing in mind that this will be a life changing decision for the family you can be sure they will go over much of the information before the next consultation.

E2 Visa Business Services (EVS) Fees

Typically I do not go over EVS fees in the Post Consultation Report because these are the fees of another company and are in fact optional as they can be provided by the client themselves or another company of their choosing. So if the prospective client goes on a price comparison exercise I only want our core attorney fees to be compared otherwise we may come over as being too expensive in a price sensitive market.

How To Retain a Client

When the client is ready to move forward you will need to to guide the client over the phone to complete the retainer agreement online. It’s best to walk them through the retainer agreement in real time rather than just sending them the link and hope they will get around to it.

Please study these links carefully so that you are familiar as to what to do. You may want to practice doing this with a college by one of you going into the conference room and while you role play it out from your desk.

 – Retaining Us to Represent You

 – Retainer Overview

 – Retainer Agreement itself

Ok, in the next tutorial we’ll teach you about tracking your leads.

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Part 1 Working Leads Intake – Part 2 Reviewing Active Leads –
Post Consult Reports – 


Immigration Law Offices of Chris M. Ingram

 Law Offices of Chris M. Ingram
Chris M. Ingram LL.M., ESQ
Admitted in New York

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