O-1A Visa: Critical or Essential Capacity
Attorney Chris M. Ingram – O1 Visa and EB1 Green Card Specialist
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Welcome to our O-1A Visa Video Presentation Series
In this presentation, we’re going to focus on the O-1A visa category – ‘Critical or Essential Capacity’. The actual official wording of this category is: –
Evidence that the alien has been employed in a critical or essential capacity for organizations and establishments that have a distinguished reputation.
One of the common attributes that most O-1A visa applicants share is that they have played critical roles in various organizations in an essential capacity, for example, Creative Director, Lead Software Architect, Director of Operations, Head of Department, Financial Director, Head Athletics Coach etc. It would be very unusual for us to put together an O-1A visa case together without the ‘Critical Role / Critical Capacity’ category being one of them.
Look at your career to date and see what types of leading roles you’ve had. For example, have you lead a team, project managed, directed or been responsible for the performance of other people in your organization? O-1A visa adjudicators are looking for examples where your leadership has played an important part of the organization’s function. We work with many O-1A clients who are senior managers in the corporate world, who run important departments and whose leadership skills are counted on daily. We have worked with O-1A visa candidates who were brought in to various companies to trouble shoot their problems and resolve them. We’ve also worked with O-1A candidates who were brought in to help a particular company select the right candidate for a very technical role.
We take a comprehensive look at the work that the alien has done and make an assessment to see how best to show that their profile fits the statutory requirements. Each case is unique as everyone’s journey to the top is unique. Sometimes the biggest obstacle is the client’s own self-disbelief that they truly qualify. Only an experienced O-1A Immigration attorney is best placed to make that objective determination. We will tell you whether you qualify or whether you almost qualify within any given O-1A visa category, and then we’ll work with you so that everything is documented to the standards required by US Immigration.
Distinguished Organizations: – It is also very important for any critical role / essential capacity role being considered within this category of the O-1A visa, to document that the organization has a great reputation in the field and be regarded as being quite distinguished. Being the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for company that employs ten people and turns over just $200,000 per year is a lot different from being the CFO of a company that employs one thousand people and turns over one hundred million dollars annually. The company of the latter will most certainly have a more distinguished reputation based on its sheer size alone.
In the next presentation, we’re going to review the ‘High Salary’ category. Once again, we’re so delighted that you found us and hope you enjoy our O-1A visa presentation series. When you’re ready, please email or call us for a free consultation and we can discuss your case and get the ball rolling.
US Immigration Law Offices of Chris M. Ingram
Chris M. Ingram LL.M., ESQ – Immigration Attorney
Admitted in New York.
Practice Specializing in US Immigration Law
520 Broadway, Suite 350,
Santa Monica,
California 90401
Tel: 310 496 4292
Everyday the Law Offices of Chris M. Ingram provides a comprehensive range of US Immigration expertise. We also provide a free consultation for our prospective clients.
General Location: Santa Monica Santa Clarita, Los Angeles, California, USA.
Serving all 50 States
Copyright 2013
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